Meet the Pompassadors 2021

Proudly presenting Pomppa ambassadors for the year 2021! We’re beyond excited to be working with these eight super talented and enthusiastic teams!

This year we launched Pomppa’s first ever brand ambassador search, looking for the most inspiring and motivated photographers, storytellers, dog sport enthusiasts and adventurers. We truly had our work cut out for us, since we received almost 250 incredible applications from Pomppa fans all over the world! In the end, we managed to bring together eight super talented and enthusiastic Pompassador teams and we’re so excited to introduce each and every one of them to you.

So without further ado, we proudly present our Pompassadors for the year 2021:

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Astri ja hänen koira Sesame.
Astri & Sesame / @adachsofsesame

Astri & Sesame

Hello! We are Astri & Sesame and we are based in Copenhagen, Denmark. We love our city life, like going to dog friendly cafes with Sesame but in these corona times, we are so happy to live next door to a beautiful nature reserve. We go there for either short or long walks, to forage berries and elderflowers in the summer, and try to spot the wild deer or foxes that live there. I love foraging and though I don’t know much about it – I am learning more and more.

I started mushroom foraging 5 years ago in Sydney, Australia but being in Denmark with a different landscape and climate means that I have to learn to identify different mushrooms. My not-so-secret hope is to train her to become a chanterelle hunting dog. Foraging for mushrooms is basically a win/win for me and Sesame because she gets to roam around, sniff all the different smells, and gets mentally stimulated. I look forward to going on more foraging walks with our new forager friend for wild garlic in the Spring, elderflower in the summer, and mushrooms in autumn. Check out our Instagram account @adachsofsesame to see and follow our adventures.

We’ve been using Pomppa jacket and fleece for 2.5 years. It hasn’t been easy finding jackets that fit a dachshund’s long body so when I found out that Pomppa fits her, we continued to get jackets from them. So far, we’ve owned 2 jumppas and a Kevyt. For Sesame, wearing a jacket is not just a matter of warmth, it’s a matter of staying dry. As a miniature dachshund, her chest is mere 3cm from the ground, so walking around in dewy grass in the morning means wet chest, tummy, and armpits. Wearing a jacket that covers her chest helps reduce this issue and also keeps her cleaner – another win for us as we don’t fancy vacuuming daily! So when Pomppa announced that they were looking for Pompassadors, we knew we had to enter and we are so stoked that we got chosen. We hope that we can give feedback that can help Pomppa continuously improve their products and help other long dogs find their perfect jackets.

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Rosana ja hänen koira Mint.
Rosana & Mint / @collieonthego / Photo: Jure Pribičevič

Rosana & Mint

My name is Rosana Robic. I’m from Slovenia and I live in a small village surrounded by mountains and beautiful nature. I’m 25 years old and I study media communication studies. I have a 4 years old smooth border collie Mint. She truly is my soulmate. From the very first moment she was born I truly knew that she would change my life in the best possible way. I literally have no words to describe how much happiness she brought into my life. I am forever happy and forever grateful that this amazing dog became mine. She deserves the world and I try so hard to give her the life she deserves. I often say this but she really is a once in a lifetime dog and i can’t be more proud to have her in my life and If everything goes as planned Mint will also have a litter in the summer. So exciting times are ahead of us.

We are hiking and sport enthusiasts. I love to be active and I love spending days outdoors, searching for adventures. Our biggest passion is agility (where we compete in grade 3) but we LOVE herding, bikejoring, canicross, skijoring, frisbee and all different kinds of tricks, nose work We are addicted to hiking and obsessed with discovering new places to roam. I’m very passionate about photography and also a little bit of videography and (obviously) anything dog related. I created an instagram profile @collieonthego where i post photos of all our adventures. I love to share our everyday activities, hiking, trick tutorials, sports videos and educational content. Because we live in a mountain village we have the opportunity to go hiking every day and we can make really cool photos on the way.

We already have one of Pomppa coat (JumppaPomppa) and we simply love it. Mint absolutely hates everything on her and in most coats she doesn’t want to move, but in JumppaPomppa she acts like she has nothing on her and that is really amazing. I am so excited to work with pomppa as i truly believe that pomppa has the best dog coats. I can’t wait to start this new journey.

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Katariina ja hänen koiransa Donna.
Katariina & Donna / @donnathewheaten

Katariina & Donna

My name is Katariina, a dog enthusiast originally from Hämeenlinna, but later relocated to Jyväskylä because of studies. Currently I’m finishing my studies as a class teacher and a Finnish language teacher. We have a gorgeous 2,5-year-old Wheaten Terrier girl Donna.

Although I have always lived with dogs, Donna is my first own dog. With her, I’ve gotten to discover a whole new kind of world. I never expected dog sports to hook us this badly! We mainly do Rally-Obedience, in which we also competed for the first time last fall. We truly hope we can return to the competition ring as soon as possible, to have fun time working together and see the results of our training.

We also go to agility classes and just started our obedience training. Donna gets excited about everything we do together and seeing that joy and happiness is truly the one thing that gets me hooked, in addition to learning and working together. Besides dog sports, our spare time is often spent in the nature. Although we have quite an active lifestyle, sometimes it’s nice to just curl up on the couch together. Donna also loves to run around with her dog friends, fetch balls, play tug-of-war and sleep on pillow piles, as soft and high as possible.

I applied to be a Pompassador because Pomppa jackets have always been one of Donna’s favorite products. Since Donna was a puppy, we’ve always carried a JumppaPomppa with us to the training fields and forest walks, only the size has changed. Pomppa jackets are well-fitting and practical, as well as pleasing to the eye. That’s why I’m so excited about the upcoming year as a Pompassador!

Donna has had an Instagram account since she was a puppy, just because my camera roll keeps “accidentally” filling with photos of dogs and our daily life. You can follow our adventures on @donnathewheaten.

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Jasmin ja hänen koira Eino.
Jasmin & Eino / @einotoller

Jasmin & Eino

We’re Jasmin and Eino, currently based in Turku, Finland. Eino is a 3-year-old male Toller and he’s also my very first own dog. We’ve always had a dog in my childhood, but with Eino I’ve had a chance to do goal-focused training and expand my understanding in animal behavior and learning. To learn even more about the behavior of dogs, I graduated as a training instructor, and along with it came a bunch of wonderful students who share the same values in dog training as me! As a trainer, I always promote ethical and dog-oriented training methods. Our main sport is Dog Dancing (both freestyle & heelwork to music) and we also spend our time doing rally-obedience, nose work, retriever training and dog shows. In addition, we really enjoy spending time in the woods – the bigger the forest the better!

I’m hoping we’ll have a chance to show our skills in competition this year. It’s an incredible feeling, to be one with your dog on the stage. You’re completely in your own bubble and the surroundings just blur out. We’ve had to build Eino’s stage confidence quite a bit, which makes the success feel even better! I hope we’ll be able to experience this feeling once again in 2021 and pass the feeling to our followers too. Our biggest anticipation is the Finnish Dog Dance Championships, so exciting!

The unfortunate accidents Eino has been through piqued my interest in studying dogs’ muscle care. Regular body care routines, appropriate nutrition and muscle exercise are all important, but the muscles need to be protected too! Pomppa products are well-fitting, they protect from head to tail and stay on even while running. This alone made me interested in becoming a Pompassador, but as I got to know Pomppa as a company, I found their values fit seamlessly with my own. I’m so excited to be a Pompassador and can’t wait for what’s coming!

You can find us at @einotoller on Instagram, you’re more than welcome to follow our journey!

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Maikki ja hänen koiransa Karu, Racky ja Ruuti.
Maikki, Karu, Racky & Ruuti / @karukaksikko

Maikki, Karu, Racky & Ruuti

Hi there! My name is Maikki and I’m a dog sport enthusiast from Southern Savonia, Finland. Our pack includes three dogs: Malinoises Karu and Racky, and Rottweiler Ruuti. We are deeply hooked into dog sports, so the little free time we have is mostly spent among dogs. Our main sport is mondioring, but I’m also captivated by all kinds of sleddog sports. There’s nothing more liberating than feeling the wind on your face and watching your dogs run in front of your kickspark.

As a dog owner, I’m guilty of having some of those famous DOGMAMA traits. For me, dogs are not just pets or for sports, they are full-time pack members and friends. Generally I’m really cheap, but when it comes to dog products and supplies, I have no trouble driving myself into personal bankruptcy in a matter of minutes – and I do it with a smile on my face.

Our year 2021 is full of expectations, hopes and excitement. Two of my dogs should participate in a BH test so we can take a part in mondioring trials in the future. During the winter, we’ve only focused on maintaining the general fitness and having a creative hiatus – in the spring, we’re going to dust off our training gear and head out to the training fields filled with enthusiasm!

I applied to be a Pompassador because the ambassador search felt like an answer to my prayers. As Karu grew both in size and length, none of our existing jackets fit her properly even if the overall size was right. It was really easy to jump into the Pomppa bandwagon, as we’re talking about a Finnish brand with timeless design and most importantly, durable products. Our Pompassador year is just beginning, but after our prompt start, I must mention one thing that’s above anything: the people behind Pomppa. It truly feels like being with friends, thank you for the warm and kind welcome <3

We’re excited to see what’s coming.

– Maikki & the pack / @karukaksikko

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Heidi ja hänen koiransa Hilma ja Kiara.
Heidi, Hilma & Kiara / @koirakaruselli

Heidi, Hilma & Kiara

Presenting “Koirakaruselli”, aka Heidi, Hilma and Kiara:

Our team includes 10-year-old Hilma, a natural-born rock star and adventurer, and also 7-year-old Kiara, a sensitive and artistic dreamer. Admiring and documenting the lives of these two Bichon Frisés is a 27-year-old, soon-to-be-graduated sociologist, whose passions include photography, writing, agility and hiking. Together we form a unique and cheerful team that’s easily recognizable by their purple-toned clothing, wiggly tails, puppy-eyes and of course Hilma’s exceptional rock star hair! We’re generally based in Helsinki but can sometimes be spotted elsewhere in Finland.

Both Hilma and Kiara are former agility dogs, and we used to spend a lot of time traveling to competition and training events with Hilma. My philosophy on dog training has remained the same throughout the years: If my dog leaves the training field knowing they are the best dog in the world, I have succeeded as a trainer and an owner. The same value also defines our daily life and coexistence. My dogs are a part of our family, they go wherever we go. Even though we will no longer return to agility, we’re learning a new way of life together – we’ve tried nose work as well as rally-obedience. In addition, Hilma occasionally gets to cheer people up by working as a care dog.

During the past six years we have gone through many hardships, as both Kiara and Hilma went through a major knee surgery. Living with and rehabilitating older, knee-operated dogs has brought a new perspective to life and taught us to appreciate the time we have together. My dogs’ health, well-being, happiness and activity-filled life means everything to me.

I’m really excited about this year – in many ways it will be full of hope, gratitude and moments of joy. The year will include continuing the rehabilitation process, plenty of trips to the woods and cities, genuine everyday life and also puppy-filled dreams. As an ambassador, I’m looking forward to many joyful moments, colorful antics and inspiring adventures <3 It’s an insanely great honor to be a Pompassador and I can’t wait to see all the fun that’s to come!

You’re welcome to follow our Pompassador adventures on Instagram @koirakaruselli!

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Becky ja hänen koiransa Mozi, Raven, Lily ja Dill.
Becky, Mozi, Raven, Lily & Dill / @mallingdowndogs

Becky, Mozi, Raven, Lily & Dill

Hi, I am Becky and I have four dogs, Lily, Dill, Mozi & Raven. Lily is my springer cross rescue dog, she was adopted at 8 weeks from a rescue I worked at and is almost 8. Dill & Raven are both Large Munsterlanders, Dill is 6 and Raven is 2. Mozi is a purpose bred sleddog mixed breed known as a greysther. He is almost 4 and actually shares his birthday with Lily! Lily is my now retired agility dog, she spends most of her time with us hiking or free running when we run the others. Dill and Mozi we canicross and my partner Paul also bikejours them. They have competed in national and European races together. Raven is our working gundog, we go out and pick up on a local driven shoot. She had spinal surgery at 16 weeks and so it’s really important we keep her back warm when it is cold!

We are over the moon to have been picked as Pompassadors as keeping our dogs warm and looking after their muscle groups is really important to us. They all have really different needs too and the range of Pomppa coats means they all have the one that suits their needs! We love to share all our adventures and what we get up to on Instagram at @mallingdowndogs.

Vuoden 2021 Pompassador lähettiläs Laura ja hänen koiransa Amber ja Chili.
Laura, Amber & Chili / @wildtrails_

Laura, Amber & Chili

Hello Pomppa friends! My name is Laura and I live with my two dogs Amber and Chili in Germany in the rough Hunsrück.

Chili is six years old and a Shetland Sheepdog. We do agility and he also enjoys canicross. Amber is four years old and an Epagneul Picard – a French pointing dog. I got my hunting licence because of her and have trained her as gundog. We also do canicross and bikejoring together and really love that kind of activity. I fell in love with hunting dogs and especially with Amber’s breed, so I decided to breed with her. Together we are out in the forest every day, either running canicross or checking game cameras and feeding places.

I take my followers with me on all of these things on our Instagram page @wildtrails_: Dog training, canicross, agility, hiking, hunting, dog breeding, nature. It definitely doesn’t get boring! For 2021, we have planned our first litter in the Wildtrails kennel. From this litter I would like to keep another bitch. Of course, that means puppy spam and young dog training.

I have been using Pomppa coats for a few years now and am an absolute fan! Whether at the agility court, waiting in the car, after hunting or on very cold or wet days: our Pomppas have never let us down. That’s why I’m very happy to be part of the Pomppa family as a Pompassador and to give my followers a few more insights. Most of all, I’m happy to meet more great active dog people through Pomppa!

What a team we have! We’re thrilled to be working with our incredible Pompassadors and follow their adventures throughout the year. Hope you’re as excited as we are! We have so many fun and inspiring antics planned for the upcoming year, so make sure to stay tuned.